Catherine Gough-Brady is an award-winning documentary producer and director. Catherine produced and directed six ABC TV documentary series, including Legal Briefs (2016) and Ethics Matters (2017). Catherine created 11 radio features for ABC Radio National. Her most recent TV half-hour for ABC TV is called The Communicator (2022).
In her current work, Catherine is exploring ways to film the non-human, and the intersection of humans and our surrounding environments.
Catherine is also a screen creative practice researcher who publishes on the relational nature of documentary production processes in journals including Media Practice and Education, Screenworks, [in]Transition, The International Journal of Creative Media Research, and Cultural Geographies.
She is co-editor of an edited collection exploring the intersection of theory and practice, Constructing the Real (2023).
Catherine is Head of Postgraduate Studies at JMC Academy in Australia, and is an associate editor of Screenworks.
Image by Kristina Kraskov.